Let's Bring NASFiC to Orlando in 2023!

This is the placeholder page for the Orlando in 2023 NASFiC bid. We’re going to build and launch a more complete site, but this will do for now.

Support the Cause!

Choose your level of Tammy!

Don’t let them give you $10! Ask for $20! They’re going to tell you they’ll only give you $10 because it’s ‘just a NASFiC’, but don’t let them do that! Make sure you ask for $20!” – Tammy Coxen, Chair of Detcon1, the 2014 NASFiC

This was what Tammy told us in Washington, DC at DisCon III, the 79th Worldcon. She was so insistent and helpful we’ve decided to name our levels of pre-support after her – the Tammy. We have four levels of Tammy for you to choose from:

The Tammy – The quote, the myth, the legend. $20 and our eternal gratitude.

The Super Tammy – It’s super because it’s twice the Tammy. Tammy Times Two, if you will.

The Super-Duper Tammy – Like chocolate and peanut butter, when you combine the Tammy with the Super Tammy, it’s just magical. So magical, any pre-supports at this level automatically convert to full attending membership to the Orlando 2023 NASFiC as long as you vote at Chicon!

The Ultimate Tammy – You would blow our minds if you donated at this level. Seriously. Obviously, you’d get automatic membership to our NASFiC, but let us know what else you’d like! A free t-shirt? Private car service to and from the Orlando airport and our hotel? A private meet-and-greet with our Guests of Honor…and Tammy?! Your name in our souvenir book as [First Name] “Tammy” [Last Name]?

All the money we collect is going to get the bid up and running quickly, yet competently. We’ve got to get the organization up off the ground, get art made, bid table materials, flyers, t-shirts, party supplies, etc. Most bids get about two years to get all that in order – we’ve got about two months before the filing deadline of March 1, 2022 to be on the official ballot at Chicon 8, the 80th Worldcon. Our gracious thanks to all of you who can donate and help.

Get In Touch

When our bid gets accepted, we will be looking for volunteers to fill roles ranging from department heads to info desk staffers. For now, we need people with experience launching a con bid.

Fill out the form at right if you want to help out!